bullymax adult 26 12 high protein wet food 910 g

Each serving of our Bully Max® 26\/12 High Protein Wet Food provides a nutritionally complete meal, including protein from real chicken, whole grains like barley \& oats, and healthy veggies like sweet potato, parsley, and pumpkin We also fortify each bag with essential vitamins such as vitamin E, A, B12, D3; minerals like copper, iron, zinc; and much more! - FULL -FLEDGED NUTRITION PRESERVED DURING STORAGE: The dehydrated Bully Max dog food easily turns into a wet food with added water, ideal for all breeds and sizes. Provides balanced nutrition for healthy growth and shiny coat for both puppies and adult dogs. Due to its greater convenience and longer shelf life than canned wet dog food, Bully Max 26\/12 high-protein wet food surpasses frozen or raw food diets, does not require dry ice, cooling or defrosting, providing a consistently fresh, protein-rich dish without unnecessary hassle. - HIGH-QUALITY INGREDIENTS FOR OPTIMAL COAT CONDITION: Bully Max sets high standards in dog nutrition thanks to its natural chicken formula. This high-protein food nourishes dogs of any breed, improving muscle growth and coat health. Ideal for small, medium and large breeds including American Pit Bull Terrier, American or English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Mastiff and Amstaff, it is the preferred wet dog food for healthy development. - HIGH-PROTEIN NUTRITION FOR HEALTHY GROWTH: Bully Max Wet dog food, designed for muscle growth, is useful for puppies and adult dogs of large breeds, including pit bulls and cane corse. It is rich in high-quality protein that supports the growth of small and large breeds, and is necessary to maintain a luxurious coat and good health. This formula of high-protein wet dog food meets AFFCO's requirements for a complete and balanced diet. - BALANCED NUTRITION WITH ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: Bully Max High-protein wet Dog Food provides a nutrient-rich diet for dogs of all sizes, from small to large breeds. Ideal for supporting the growth of both large breed puppies and small dogs. This formula not only provides a complete and balanced diet for optimal health and great coat, but also complements with additional benefits to improve your dog's overall well-being. - UNMATCHED BULLY MAX QUALITY: Committed to the highest nutritional standards, it serves both puppies and adult dogs across all breeds. Our dehydrated formula transforms into a premium wet food, revolutionizing canine nutrition with a balanced diet. Bully Max is dedicated to superior pet care, providing a spectrum of vet-approved, all-natural, high-performance wet and dry dog foods, along with premium supplements and combo packs, to guarantee top-quality nourishment for dogs at every life stage.

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